Brand New Group Weight Training with TeamYo

Weight training class (raise the bar)
Ive designed this class for beginners who don't feel confident lifting or even holding weights. This is for people who are too scared to step foot in the gym or have no idea if what they are doing is right or not. What do you get out of it? - Learn technique - Firmer body (quickly) - Tone - Core strength - Improved posture - Fat burning - Strength - Joint stabilisation - Bone density - Some definition if attendance is frequent. - Confidence in the gym - The things you want but don't get from cardio What happens during a class? You will get a total body workout. We will use barbells and hand weights to work through the entire body including your abs. We will do 2-3 exercises per body part and I will be there to show and talk you through technique. Is it the same as Body Pump? Its similar but not as rigid in its structure. I will be freed up to walk around the room and check your technique. We won't be doing as many repetitions as Body Pump so that we can lift a little heavier which will bring faster results. Will you get "bulky"? Nope! This kind of training helps to burn fat and speed up metabolism. You will feel former after a couple of goes this becomes most noticeable in the arms and legs in the first instance. OK Brilliant when do we start? Im starting the class this Saturday 9am 02-07-2016 book on my Facebook page by going into events. See you there :) lets get firmer!